What Questions to Ask a SEO Company? 

Asking the right questions when hiring an SEO company can make a world of difference. Aside from getting a feel for the company you are considering, you can learn more about their methods. Luckily, it is not that difficult to identify the tricks of the trade. By asking the right questions, you can weed out the dross and find a company that can get the job done. 

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The best SEO companies have experience with a range of industries. They should be able to explain the challenges faced by each industry, as well as what to expect in terms of results. For instance, if your target audience is comprised of lawyers, the nuances of search engine optimization may differ. You don’t want to hire a company that is unfamiliar with the legal sector. 

Using a local SEO company is a smart idea. It can help you understand how their approach works in the local market. Plus, if your SEO provider has had success with similar businesses in the past, they can help you get there faster. 

As you shop around for an SEO provider, be sure to ask about their methods for measuring progress. In a nutshell, you should expect to receive a report containing some of the following: rankings, on-page and off-page SEO metrics, traffic data, and conversions. Make sure that the reports are tailored to your business goals. If you are paying a monthly retainer, you should receive regular updates. 

If you want to hire a quality company, do not settle for the cheap. Remember, SEO can take some time to kick in, so it is better to opt for a reputable service that has years of experience. When you do hire a company, be sure to ask for testimonials and case studies. This way, you can judge the quality of their work by the quality of their references. 

You should also look into their processes for link building. A good SEO provider should have a process for finding and acquiring link building opportunities, as well as a means of verifying the links they use. Even better, they should have the tools to report back on the quality of their links and how it impacts the overall quality of their efforts. 

If you are considering a company that specializes in mobile optimization, you’ll want to check their website for a mobile audit. Google announced last year that they are moving to a mobile-first index, making it even more important to optimize your site for mobile devices. To keep your ranking up, you’ll want to have a site that is easy to navigate on a smartphone. 

There are plenty of other important factors to consider when evaluating an SEO service, but the above points should be your top priorities. Don’t settle for a low quality service, as the results could be costly in the long run. Find the SEO company that uses the right tactics and you should enjoy the benefits of increased traffic, better search engine rankings, and a more engaged online community.