What SEO Tools Should You Use? 

The first stage in any credible SEO campaign is Keyword research. Then comes data analysis, backlink monitoring, and traffic tracking. All these are critical to the success of your campaign. Fortunately, many tools can help you improve your rankings and drive traffic to your website. But before you choose which tools to use, it’s important to understand their purpose. 

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Keyword research is the first stage of any credible SEO campaign 

Keyword research lays the foundation for any SEO strategy and is important at the initial stages of your SEO campaign. With the right keyword research, you can find out what people are looking for and what kind of content will draw them to your site. This will guide you in what keywords to target. 

Keyword research helps you find keywords that will rank highly in search results. It is critical to select the keywords that will attract the maximum number of targeted traffic and are not overly competitive. Many factors must be taken into account when choosing the best keywords for your site and SEO campaign. 

Data analysis 

Using the right SEO tools can help you track the success of your campaigns. Google Analytics is a great tool for this. Combined with other tools like Google data studio, this tool can provide you with a comprehensive report for your clients. It should include a summary of performance and recommendations based on the analysis. 

Using the right SEO tools can help you identify and fix problems that may affect your campaign. For example, some tools help you analyze your competitors’ website performance. These tools are free and offer a range of features. For example, the Website Grader feature can quantify the strength of your site compared to your competitors. 

Backlink monitoring 

There are many SEO tools available to help monitor backlinks to your website. These tools can help you understand the quality of your backlinks and disavow spammy links to Google. Some of these tools are free, while others are not. Regardless of which tool you use, there are some common features that you should look for. 

Monitor Backlinks is a great backlink monitoring tool that notifies you about changes made to your backlinks. It also gives you the ability to identify whether a link is a spam or a good opportunity for collaboration. The program also alerts you when your best backlinks are deleted, and it can help you recover them if possible. 

Traffic tracking 

One of the most important functions of an SEO tool is to track traffic to a website. By tracking the traffic to a web page, SEO professionals can evaluate the effectiveness of their campaign and identify any mistakes that need to be corrected. With the help of SEO tools, they can also demonstrate their SEO services to clients. This will boost client retention. 

Some tools track traffic to a website by providing website metrics such as unique visitors, traffic sources, and referring domains. In addition, they provide information on the traffic that your competitors receive. Ahrefs and Semrush offer this information. For example, you can see how many unique visitors your competitor’s website has received in a certain period. However, you should be aware that these metrics do not include return visitors. 


Reporting on SEO tools is a common process for digital agencies. Clients require regular updates about the progress of their SEO campaigns. Automated reporting tools save agencies time in reporting the progress of their SEO campaigns. These tools include social media posters and on-page SEO audit tools. They offer several features such as customizable reports and scheduling. 

There are hundreds of SEO reporting tools available. Some of them are more advanced than others, and others are simple to use. The first step is to understand how the different SEO reporting tools work. Then, make sure to choose one that is suitable for your agency. A tool like SEMrush is highly customizable and offers several options for presenting the information. The tool’s interface is user-friendly, and it makes the process of analyzing online marketing much easier. It is also affordable, even for agencies with multiple users.