What Should My SEO Company Guarantee Me? 

Often when business owners are looking to hire an SEO agency they want to find a company that will provide them with guaranteed SEO results. This is a tempting and convenient proposition to the business owner, as it looks like they are getting an excellent deal. 

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However, if you are not careful, you may end up wasting your money with an SEO company that is unable to deliver on its promise of getting you top search engine rankings. This is because most of the companies that offer this service are unreliable and a waste of time for your business. 

The truth is that Google does not give out guarantees, so there is no way for you to know if your website will rise in the ranks and stay there long-term or if it will fall off the radar. Similarly, you cannot be sure how your competitors are doing or what their SEO strategies are, which means that when you hire an SEO agency they are not guaranteed to help you. 

What should my SEO company not guarantee me?

Unless the SEO agency is able to do an in-depth analysis of your website and understand your goals, it is impossible for them to guarantee that their SEO work will result in better search engine rankings. 

This is because your site needs to be optimized for the right keywords that are relevant to your business, not just any keywords that have a good amount of traffic. This is what will drive more qualified customers to your website, and this is what will lead to increased sales and leads. 

If you are unsure whether the SEO company will deliver on this promise, ask them for a technical and search audit of your site. Once they have done this, they should be able to explain why they think the changes they suggest will help your site and what you should expect as a result. 

You should also be able to see some previous case studies of their work. This will help you to see how they have achieved their rankings and if the methodology they use is transparent and ethical. 

Some agencies that claim to offer guaranteed SEO are not responsible enough for their methods and are able to manipulate your rankings in unintended ways. These can include deceptive redirects to shadow domains, doorway pages stuffed with a wide range of keywords and hidden links to questionable sites, and purchasing traffic through link schemes. 

In addition, many of these techniques can put you at risk of getting your website penalized by Google or other search engines. If this happens, it is a costly and time-consuming process to recover from. 

Another thing to look for when searching for an SEO agency is their track record of delivering results to their clients. This will give you peace of mind and help you to feel confident in the company. 

The best SEO agencies will not only be able to guarantee your website will increase in search engine rankings, but they will also help you to achieve other business objectives such as brand awareness, more blog traffic, more leads, and even more sales. The SEO agency will be able to help you achieve these goals through a long-term strategy that is designed to make your website stand out amongst the competition and generate more conversions.