What to ask the SEO company?

When hiring an SEO company, you should be asking a lot of questions. This is to ensure that you are bringing on a company that will deliver the results you need. 

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Having the right questions to ask can be the difference between getting a good result and wasting time, money, and effort on an agency that won’t make a dent in your search engine rankings or traffic. To help you with this, we’ve put together a list of the best questions to ask an SEO company. 

Do they have experience in the industry?

If you’re looking to hire an SEO agency, you want to find out how long they’ve been in business. You also want to learn about their previous clients and what kind of results they received. 

Does the SEO agency you’re considering have an office in your city?

The best SEO agencies will have an office in your area so that they can easily work with you and meet your needs. This will ensure that they can understand your specific needs and expectations for your website. 

Do they offer a guarantee?

An SEO company that offers a guarantee is a good sign. This means that they have a strong track record of providing a solid ROI for their customers. However, it can also mean that they are being overly aggressive to gain short-term rankings and can end up causing you a lot of frustration. 

Do they follow Google’s guidelines?

Google updates its algorithms regularly, so you want to make sure that the SEO agency you’re thinking about working with follows Google’s guidelines. A reputable agency will keep up with these changes and have a strategy in place to avoid being penalized by the search engine. 

Does the agency have a team of experts?

A good SEO company should have a team of experts who specialize in different areas of digital marketing. This will ensure that they can cover all aspects of your website and provide you with the best results. 

Does the SEO company you’re thinking about hiring have a portfolio?

A reputable SEO company should have a portfolio of past clients that show their results. This will be useful in the sales process to ensure that you have a positive experience. 

How long will it take for you to see results?

It can take months or even years for an SEO company to get you the results you need. It’s important to make sure that the agency you’re considering has a plan in place for how long it will take for your SEO campaign to take effect. 

What are the goals of your SEO campaign?

Generally, the main goal of an SEO campaign is to increase your search traffic. This will then help you convert more of your visitors to customers. It’s very important to make sure that you understand what these goals are and how they relate to your overall business objectives.