What is Citation in SEO? 

A citation is a mention of your website on another website. A citation can be unstructured or structured. An unstructured citation will include your business name, address, and phone number. You can earn unstructured citations by having your website featured on publisher’s websites or by providing good customer service. 

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Unstructured citations are mentions of your business’s name, address, and phone number 

While unstructured citations can provide your business with a boost, they’re not perfect. Some listings are inaccurate and can even lose the trust of consumers. Structured citations are important because they provide accurate information about your business to searchers. Examples of such listings include Google Business Profiles, Facebook, Apple Maps, the Better Business Bureau, and other industry-specific directories. 

Unstructured citations are mentions on other websites of your business’s name, address, or phone number, but there’s no recommended structure. To optimize your listings, make sure to provide accurate contact information and ask sites to include your NAP. You may also receive unstructured citations through customer reviews. 

Unstructured citations are mentions on directories, blogs, and social media platforms, without a link back to your site. You can also build unstructured citations by submitting editorials to local newspapers and appearing on relevant websites. To get more unstructured citations, you need to get your business listed in major directories and publish newsworthy content. 

They can be earned by gaining coverage on publisher’s websites 

Gaining coverage on publisher’s websites can help you increase the visibility of your business and increase the number of visitors to your website. Getting citations can also boost the quality of your work. Business directories are also a great source of citation building. 

There are many different ways to get citations. Some cite your website while others just list you. One of the most important ways is to get your business listed in various industry categories. By getting listed on these sites, you will have a higher chance of ranking well for your target keywords. 

In addition, citations can help your business gain, new customers. If you can get your business listed on business directories, people will trust your company more and be more likely to purchase from you. A business listing in a business directory helps as well because it tells Google that it exists. It also allows potential customers to easily find you. 

They can be earned through good customer service 

Citations help build the credibility of your business, improve local search engine rankings, and encourage more customers to use your services. To earn citations, make sure all of your business information is accurate on all of the websites that contain your information. Not only will this improve your SEO, but it will also help build your brand’s reputation and boost revenue. However, not all websites that provide citations are legitimate and relevant to your business. 

Citation building should be a regular and ongoing process. It should be an integral part of your SEO and marketing plans. While it may seem daunting at first, several simple steps will help you earn citations. One of the first things to do is set up an audit schedule to check your citations and build new ones when necessary.