What Is SEO Digital Marketing? 

To understand what SEO is, you need to know how Google works. Google owns 92% of the search engine market, and its whole concept revolves around providing its users with the best search experience. It does this by providing relevant results as quickly as possible. The user inputs a search term, which is followed by the output, a list of results. 

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Structured content 

Structured content is content that is broken down into individual components and ready to use across a wide variety of interfaces. This type of content is especially helpful for web pages that have the same type of content but require frequent updates. It also allows for better re-usage of core pieces of content. 

Structured content is ideal for multi-lingual websites, which often have dozens of pieces of content. Rather than having to make hundreds of changes for each language, structured content allows website owners to store their content in one database. When a change is needed, all they have to do is edit a few records to make the changes. 


SEO digital marketing is an effective way to increase the visibility of a website on search engines. The process starts by optimizing content with keywords. Keywords are single words or phrases used by prospective customers to search for a product or service. Keywords should be carefully selected and strategically placed within the content to increase its visibility. It is also essential to include backlinks or elements on a website that points to another website. This will increase credibility and drive traffic to your website. 

To increase your website’s search engine rankings, you must focus on keywords with low competition, high relevancy, and a healthy search volume. In addition, you must place your keywords in the web page’s headings. Google will read the content of a web page’s headings and show more relevant results to users who are searching for those terms. 

Page loading speed 

Page loading speed is an important factor to consider when optimizing your website for search engine optimization. Almost every part of a website affects how quickly it loads. A slower pace can reduce conversion rates by more than 4%. Additionally, Google considers page speed a ranking factor in its “Mobilegeddon” algorithm update. This means that your site should load faster than average if you want to improve your search engine optimization and your user experience. 

Several factors can affect page speed, including page type, file size, server, host, and browser type. Additionally, inefficient code, hotlinking, and too many plugins can slow down your website’s speed. A slow site will likely result in high bounce rates, as people prefer fast sites. 

Visibility index 

The visibility index is an important SEO digital marketing metric that measures the overall visibility of a website in organic search results. This index is calculated based on various search factors and is compiled by a third party, Searchmetrics. This index is a universal measurement of website performance and allows comparisons among websites. The visibility index can help to understand the progress of a website and identify opportunities for improvement. 

It measures the visibility of a website by comparing its visibility to that of a competitor’s website. A high visibility score means that your site appears on the first page of Google search results. However, as you go down the page ranking, the visibility index drops. This is because two sites can rank for the same keyword but at different positions. 

Identifying the search intent 

Identifying the search intent of your target audience is the first step in optimizing your website for search engine results. There are a variety of methods that you can use to discover what the searcher is looking for. One of the most effective ways is to conduct a search on Google and type in a phrase that is related to the topic of your website. This will help you understand which navigational queries will lead your target audience to your website. 

Once you understand what your audience wants, you can focus on satisfying their needs. This is essential for the competitiveness of your SEO campaign in SERPs. By meeting the expectations of your target audience, you can develop a stronger brand identity and improve your online presence.