What is SEO on a Website? 

To rank well in search engine results, a website must have the right content. This content must be related to a particular search query and targeted toward a keyword. In addition, webpages must also follow the right HTML code structure. Site owners can increase the SEO of their websites by using keywords in the URL, title, and headers. 

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Page title 

You may not realize it, but you can use SEO on a website page title to boost its search engine optimization. The title of your website is one of the first things search engines will see when searching for it. You can use the title to tell them what the page is about and how it fits within the context of the page. Using a well-written title can also help you get higher search engine rankings. 

If you aren’t sure what to include in your page title, you can use a Keyword Search Tool. You’ll need to enter a seed keyword and location, and the tool will provide you with a list of relevant keywords. For example, if your brand is known worldwide, you may want to put it in your page title. This will make it visible in most searches for your brand name. 

Meta description 

If you want to increase your website’s search engine visibility, one of the most important aspects of SEO on a website is to provide a compelling and accurate meta description. Google displays this description for your site, along with the rest of the page’s content, on the search engine results page. You must make sure your meta description is unique and compelling. It should also contain as many keywords as possible, as long as they are not deceptive. 

Creating and using a compelling meta description can make or break your website’s rankings. Make sure you choose words that describe the value of your content, and ideally also include a call to action. Meta descriptions should be written in such a way that they will increase the click-through rate of your website and drive traffic to your site. It is also important to test the content of your meta description on different landing pages. Try different wordings, lengths, and positions of keywords to see what works best for your page. 


A sitemap is an important tool for SEO. Google uses it to re-crawl your site and updates its index, which may result in improved rankings. But it’s important to check your sitemap with the proper tools to make sure your SEO efforts are paying off. For instance, you can use Google Search Console, the former Webmaster Tools, to check if your sitemap contains duplicate content. 

A sitemap is also important for big websites, like e-commerce sites, news sites, and informational sites. These sites tend to burn through their crawl budget quickly, so having a sitemap will help keep your content fresh and indexed by Google. 


One of the most important factors for SEO is the navigation on a website. Not only does it help visitors find what they need on a site, but it also helps search engines understand what your content is about. Google likes to see how a page fits into the big picture. Well-designed navigation should include the main strategic pages of your website. 

Navigation should be easy to read and understand. Search engines can crawl text links more easily than images or animations. Moreover, if your website has many pages, you should use descriptive navigation to help users find what they need. The most commonly used coding language for navigation is JavaScript. While it is widely used, it is not the best choice for navigation because it is not to search engine friendly. This means that web crawlers may have a difficult time determining what keywords or links are relevant.