What Is On-Page SEO? 

On-page SEO is the process of improving a website’s ranking on search engines by improving the content inside its pages. The techniques include title tags, Meta descriptions, and H1 tags. These elements work together to drive traffic to a site. By leveraging these tools, you can improve your SEO and get more traffic to your site. 

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On-page SEO 

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing the page content of your website. The page content is a crucial part of SEO, as it tells Google and readers what your site is all about. Choosing relevant keywords and topics is a key first step in developing high-quality page content. You can do this through keyword research on Google and other sites, or using tools such as Ahrefs, AnswerthePublic, or UberSuggest. The goal of on-page SEO is to incorporate long-tail keywords into your content naturally. 

Meta description 

The meta description is the part of your website’s HTML code that Google shows when a search engine finds your site. It’s important to keep the description under 230 characters. Anything longer than that and Google will cut it off. In 2018, Moz discovered that many meta descriptions were over 350 characters long. 

Title tag 

When writing your page title tag, it is important to use important keywords at the top of the page. This will increase your chances of getting a high page ranking, as people tend to scan the first few words of a page before clicking on them. Also, it is important to avoid titles that begin with your brand name, because these are often repetitive. 

H1 tags 

Adding SEO on-page H1 tags to your pages is a crucial part of optimizing your website for search engines. The title tag should be between 40 and 60 characters in length. If it is longer, it may not be displayed on SERPs or it may decrease your click-through rate. Adding H1 tags to your pages will allow you to create a compelling, descriptive title that will entice readers to stay on your site. 

Internal linking 

If you want to improve your search engine ranking, you should make sure that your pages have good internal linking. Internal linking is an important part of SEO because it helps pass context, authority, and other important information from one page to another. Google is constantly updating its algorithm, so internal links carry more information than ever. Today, Google isn’t just looking at anchor text but also at words that surround the link. In general, the more context a link has, the better. 

Keyword research 

SEO on-page research involves studying search engine algorithms and optimizing content to rank higher. The first step is keyword research. You can do this by looking at competitors’ websites and search queries to identify the terms customers use to find your products and services. Once you’ve identified the keywords, you can write content around those topics.