Macro Conversions And Micro Conversions For E-commerce Sites! 

A macro conversion is a user action that serves your primary business goal. It is often a transaction, such as making a purchase or signing up for an event. 

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Macro-conversions should be monitored closely so that you can make informed decisions about how to increase your website’s conversion rate. They can be measured using various metrics, such as page views, time of stay, clicks, and user sessions. 

Micro Conversions

Unlike macro conversions, which are the final steps before a customer buys something, micro conversions are individual actions a customer takes while on your site. They may include browsing through multiple pages, registering for an account or creating a product wishlist. 

These micro-conversions can be tracked to determine which visitors are ready to make a purchase. This information can help you better target your marketing efforts, and it’s a critical part of evaluating your website’s performance. 

Tracking all micro conversions can also uncover where users leave the funnel, which can help you improve revenue by identifying which pages they abandon before converting. 

The best way to find out if you’re reaching your goals is to analyze your conversion rate over time. This will give you a baseline measurement of your overall conversion rate and allow you to make adjustments and test new strategies to boost it further. 

A common mistake is to focus solely on one metric, such as sales, and ignore the many other potential conversions on your site. This is a huge mistake. 

In a blog post, Google analytics and digital marketing evangelist Avinash Kaushik points out that the average e-commerce conversion rate is only 2%, so you can’t measure your results with just one metric. 

It is crucial to track the entire user journey on your website and identify where a visitor begins their path to conversion. If you can’t do this, then you will never know if a visitor is ready to purchase a product or service from your company. 

Keeping tabs on all user behavior can be a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to figure out which customers to target with your marketing efforts. This can be particularly true for e-commerce sites where there are dozens of products to choose from. 

The simplest way to track micro conversions is to use a web analytics tool. There are several free or low-cost tools that can help you do this, though it’s best to consult a professional for guidance on the right tool for your business. 

You should also be aware that some of these tools may not track all micro conversions, such as those involving customer contact information, or other non-monetary objectives. Some tools will only track the most important micro conversions, such as adding a product to a shopping cart or choosing a payment method. 

Regardless of which tracking tools you choose, keep in mind that micro-conversions are a vital component of any e-commerce site. They’re a great way to assess buyer readiness and uncover points of friction in your conversion funnel.