Top 5 Reasons Why Authors Are Afraid Of Video Marketing 

Video marketing is a great way to boost your online presence and attract more visitors. It’s also a proven way to improve search engine optimization and drive conversions, but many businesses are still hesitant to take the leap. The following are the top five reasons why: 

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  1. Videos Aren’t Worth It In The First Place

There are many misconceptions about video marketing that some businesses still believe, making them afraid to try it out. But it’s time to dispel these myths and get started with this marketing strategy that can be so beneficial for your business. 

2. Video Content Is Hard To Come Up With 

It’s easy to be overwhelmed when trying to think of ideas for your video marketing campaign, especially if you’re not an experienced marketer or haven’t filmed any videos before. But don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to come up with new, engaging video content. 

  1. Video Can’t Be Distributed Through All Own Channels

It can be a challenge to get your video distributed properly, but it doesn’t have to be! There are plenty of channels you already own and can use to promote your video, like your blog, email, and social media. But, just make sure you use these channels intelligently and with purpose! 

4. The Word “Word” Has Died

People tend to be more likely to consume information that isn’t confined by text. This means that video is a great way to tell your story and share what makes your business unique. 

5. Videos Don’t Need To Be Perfect 

The latest research shows that users are mostly put off by videos that aren’t clear and concise enough to explain the product or service. It’s true that low quality and poor design can negatively impact your video, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a go! 

Likewise, your audience is most likely to enjoy videos that are fun and entertaining. However, you need to shape your video around the information that your target audience actually wants and needs. If you’re trying to sell a medical device, for example, and your videos err on the side of humor and fun, you won’t be very effective at selling that product. 

6. The World Is Overflowing With Videos

There are a lot of companies that are already using video marketing strategies, so it’s safe to say that the digital landscape is saturated with videos. This can make it difficult to stand out and get noticed. But, there are ways to stand out and make your video marketing more effective by making it as unique as possible. 

  1. Videos Are A Better Way To Reach The Laziest Customers

There’s no denying that today’s customer is busier than ever. This means that they have less time to read long product descriptions and dig deep into services. Instead, they want to see the product in action – and video is the best way to show them that.