What is Search Engine Optimization in Simple Words? 

Search engines rely on complex mathematical algorithms to determine which websites are most relevant to a user’s query. They also look at how many inbound links a website has, or “carries through” from another website. In other words, the more inbound links a website has, the more relevant and important it is to the searcher. Website A has a few inbound links, but website B has dozens of them. 

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Keyword research 

Keywords are an important part of search engine optimization, but they can also make or break a content piece. Keywords are a good way to target specific audiences, but if your content isn’t targeted at a particular audience, you may end up with a mixed bag of results. Here are some things to consider when using keywords: 

On-page optimization 

In simple words, on-page SEO refers to the changes made to your website to make it more search engine-friendly. Search engines are becoming smarter by the day, and they can now extract meaning from synonyms, word combinations, and context. Therefore, your content must match your target keyword. For example, if your website is about dogs, it should mention different breeds of dogs. This is all part of on-page SEO. 

Site structure 

A website’s site structure is essential to the success of the site’s overall SEO strategy. It defines how the pages on a website are laid out and how they link to one another. A properly constructed site will make it easier for users to navigate and find what they need. A well-structured website will increase dwell time and reduce bounce rates. Here are some tips to help you optimize your website structure: 


A backlink is a link from another website to your web resource. It may be to another website, page, or directory. A backlink can help your website improve its rankings and visibility in search engines. However, the value of backlinks in search engine optimization is not entirely clear. There are several factors to consider when building backlinks. Let’s look at each one. Backlinks can be of two types: one that is a direct link to your site and the other that is indirectly linked to it. 

Conversion rate optimization 

The conversion rate of a website is the percentage of visitors who complete a specific goal. By increasing the conversion rate, a business can make their website more attractive and easier to use. This strategy focuses on getting quality visitors through the sales funnel. It can greatly increase a company’s bottom line. Conversion rate optimization begins with understanding customer behavior. Heatmaps and clickmaps can help you know which sections of your website visitors spend the most time on. You can also use session replays and form analytics to understand the customer’s experience. This data will be very helpful to you in defining a good user experience.