What is a Website SEO? 

The basic understanding of SEO is that it is the process of improving website traffic through search engines. SEO targets both unpaid and paid traffic to a website. There are several elements of SEO, including on-page optimization, technical performance, content, and inbound links. These components can make or break your website’s ranking in search engines. 

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On-page optimization 

On-page optimization involves the optimization of the content on the website. This process helps improve the readability of the website. Content alignment, bold passages, and images can enhance the reading experience. In addition, studies show that people are more likely to explore and return to a page when it is easier to read. As a result, on-page optimization is a key part of website SEO. 

In addition to optimizing content, on-page optimization improves the performance of the website. A slow page has a lower ranking in SERPs and can cause a higher bounce rate. Search engines also evaluate how quickly page loads, so it’s vital to keep the page loading time as low as possible. This means paying close attention to image file size, improving mobile responsiveness, and reducing the amount of CSS on the site. 

Technical performance 

Technical performance refers to how fast a website loads and how many visitors it can handle at a single time. It is different from marketing performance, which focuses on factors such as bounce rate, unique visitor traffic, and conversion rates. The performance of a website directly impacts its user experience. Several factors affect the technical performance of a website, including the web server that hosts it, the bandwidth it has available, the design of the website, and the browser that visitors are using. 

Performing a technical website SEO audit requires an in-depth knowledge of the specific technical aspects of the website. The task can be challenging and may involve hiring web developers, writers, and editors. However, there are a variety of tools available for SEOs that can identify technical issues and improve the website’s performance. 


One of the most important aspects of website SEO is the content. Search engines read the content of a website, and they decide where a website ranks. Even if a website has good technical stuff and a good user interface, it does not rank very well if it is poorly written. 

It is important to use more than one keyword for your content. For example, if your website is about sushi, you may want to target more than just one keyword. This is because people often use different words when searching for the same information. For example, a person may type in “how to make sushi” but also search for “how to make sushi for beginners”. If you don’t have a good idea of which words people will use to search for, use a tool like KeywordsFX to determine what words are most relevant to your content. 

Inbound links 

Building and maintaining backlinks to your website is a necessary part of website SEO. Your backlinks must be varied and come from various sources. For example, a sports fitness website might link to a personal fitness website, or a recipe site may link to a health and fitness website. It is also important that the number of backlinks is reasonable. You can determine this by studying your competitors and their backlinks. The more backlinks your site has, the higher its authority will be. 

Ideally, your links should point to highly authoritative and valuable content on other sites. Otherwise, you risk having your links point to a website that lacks quality content. 

User experience 

One of the most important things to consider when planning your website is UX. While SEO targets search engines, UX considers your website visitors and their experience while they’re there. This means optimizing your URL structure, page speed, usability, readability, and navigation paths to offer the best experience possible. 

Google and other search engines place high importance on user experience. The more you can give your audience a good experience, the higher your search engine rankings will be. Moreover, search engines punish websites that try to cheat the system. In addition, they emphasize quality content that engages their users and informs them. These are some of the many UX improvements you can make to improve your ranking and boost your brand awareness.