What Is SEO Landing Page Optimization? 

If you want to increase the visibility of your website on search engines, you need to optimize your landing page. You should add keywords to your landing page so search engines can determine what your page is about and whether or not it should be included in the search results. Using the right keywords can help your website rise in the rankings and increase the number of visitors to your website. 

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SEO landing page copywriting is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. This is the text you use to convert visitors into customers. You need to create a clear, readable copy that will entice visitors to click through to your website. There are many techniques to use to optimize your content. 

Featured snippets 

If you want to increase your chances of being listed in Featured Snippets on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), there are some tips you need to keep in mind. For starters, you should know that Featured Snippets are displayed above the organic search results. Google uses this method to decrease the number of clicks on organic results. Moreover, featured snippets are visible only on specific queries. 

CTA buttons 

You’ve probably seen the typical “Get Started Today” CTA button on a website, but the actual words are a little less clear. While a “Submit” button might be too obvious, a “Sign up now” button would be much more compelling. Moreover, a CTA button should link to the right page. 


Link building is an essential part of SEO landing page optimization. Search engines look for pages that contain valuable, relevant content, and one of the best ways to demonstrate that is through backlinks. These links also serve as proof that people have read your content, and are recommending it to others. For this reason, you should design your landing pages with shareability in mind. 

Split testing 

Split testing can be beneficial to improve your SERP ranking. Even small changes can make a huge difference. It’s also much easier to measure than more substantial changes. Make sure to use a control and several variations, and test each variation against the control.